Friends of Himalayan Children Project Nepal (RAOAF)

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Description:The Friends of Himalayan Children Project (FHC) is a volunteer-run, humanitarian organisation, working in remote rural communities in the Sindhupalchok region of Nepal and in Kathmandu. Our aim is to improve the lives of vulnerable women and children in Nepal, through better access to quality education and training and through community development projects. We strive to provide empowerment through education.
Sponsored by:Rotary Club of Cairns Sunrise, District 9560
Endorsed by:Rotary Club of Balaju, District 3292
Other Partners:Rotary Club of Balaju (District 3292)

Other details

Project number:28 of 2023-24
Manager:Rita Zappulla
(H) 07 4039 2304
(M) 61409634445
Deputy manager:PP Susanne Rea

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