Little Paths Australia - Tanzania (formerly Kuleana Kids), Mwanza, Tanzania

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Our student's room with Little Paths study light
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Drawing class in the Little Paths tutorial space
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One of our very happy and grateful students
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Some of the very keen students, so hungry to learn
Summary:Little Paths Australia is committed to ensuring that Tanzanian families that are experiencing the impacts of extreme poverty, are supported with the tools they need to care for their children and encourage their educational success, from the safety of their family home.
Challenge:What poverty does to families is compromises the opportunities available to them. In most cases these consequences are generational and families are without the tools to support their children. Their children are not without the skills or the motivation to create successful futures. As a result, motivated children leave their families in hope of finding their own pathways to success. This can include seeking orphanage living, street living, childhood employment and other inappropriate and dangerous forms of survival. Children are leaving safe, loving homes because of the lack of resources.
Solution:Change a commmunity by educating a family.

We believe the solution begins with respect. We believe that a family knows what's best for their children and we respect their needs, providing them with support to care for their children in their own way and guidance when and where it is wanted.

Our aim is to create strong families by providing school scholarships for the children's entire secondary school journey, as well as providing tools that foster strength in families by providing ongoing and specific support to ensure their own future successes.
Long term impact:Education is fundamental to sustainable development, it is a powerful driver of development and one of the strongest instruments for reducing poverty and improving health; it enables people to be more productive, to earn a better living and enjoy a better quality of life, while also contributing to a country's overall economic growth. Education is critical for breaking the poverty cycle.
Sponsored by:Rotary E-Club Serving Humanity, District 9705
Endorsed by:Rotary Club of Mwanza, District 9214

Further Information

Other details

Project number:68 of 2009-10
Manager:Rtn Kate Bowyer
(M) 0421 378 393
Deputy manager:Mr Alan Bowyer
(M) 0428 223 861