Community Development Thailand (CDT) (RAOAF)

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Samui Phangan RC supporting their local community
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Samui Phangan RC providing COVID relief
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Samui Phangan RC supporting autism
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Samui Phangan RC saving lives
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Samui Phangan RC saving lives
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Samui Phangan RC working to make a difference
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Samui Phangan RC making a difference
Summary:The islands of Samui and Phangan in Thailand are a paradise for tourists but life is extremely difficult for local people. There are deficiencies in employment opportunities (especially since Covid-19), education (general and special needs), emergency health care facilities and sanitation.
Challenge:Too many local people do not have the means to earn an adequate living; health care services and a lack basic equipment; children have no clean drinking water at school and due to lack of swimming lessons and facilities they have a high risk of drowning
Solution:Our projects are timely and focused and each one directly addresses the issues above: Swim4Life, Water4Life, Food4Life, Defibs4Samui and Support4Autism. We are a small but highly active group of Thais and Expats who live on these islands. We make the maximum impact every time and 100% of your donation goes directly to our projects. All admin costs are covered by Rotary membership fees. When you donate you are saving the life of one or hundreds. $50 supplies 5 food packages for families in need $200 provides fresh cooked school lunches for 15 children for 1 month $300 supply 30 food packages for families in need $1,500 a lifesaving defibrillator for Emergency Services $2,500 Special Needs Learning Centre - supports staff salary 12 months General donations goes to our most urgent n
Long term impact:With the collaboration between Northlakes Toukley Rotary and Samui Phangan Rotary, we seek to improve the quality of life of highly disadvantaged persons on the islands of Samui and Phangan in Thailand.
Sponsored by:Rotary Club of Northlakes Toukley, District 9685
Endorsed by:Rotary Club of The Rotary Club of Samui-Phangan, District 3330
Other Partners:The Rotary Club of Samui-Phangan (District 3330)

Other details

Project number:6 of 2021-22
Manager:Rtn Mitch Cowan
(M) 0414 425 772
Deputy manager:Ms Jan Pryor
(M) 0423 315 921

Please support us now ...

 Supply 5 food packages for families
 Fresh cooked school lunches for 15 children
 30 food packages for families in need
 Life saving defibrillator for Samui Emergency Serv
  Special Needs Learning Center - one support staff
