Suicide Intervention for regional, rural and remote communities Western Australia (RABS)

Description:This initiative aims to reduce suicide and attempted suicide, by people at risk (especially indigenous people, and young men and women generally) within regional, rural and remote communities of Western Australia. This mental wellbeing project will increase the awareness of mental health wellbeing and prevention strategies through community health education and promoting community awareness of mental health. Improving the health and well-being of those people identified at risk, living in remote communities through increased access to remote support, hygiene awareness, purchase of specialised equipment and specialised training.
Sponsored by:District 9423
Other Partners:Livingworks Education Australia

Other details

Project number:35 of 2021-22
Manager:Jerry Pilcher
(H) 0428 911 505
Deputy manager:Warwick Smith
(M) 0419 967 628

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