HandUp Congo - Building a Healthy Congo - Democratic Republic of Congo

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Description:HandUp Congo, in collaboration with RAWCS and other project partners, facilitates the development of quality higher education and medical care in the Democratic Republic of Congo through the Université Protestante au Congo and selected educational and medical institutions.
Sponsored by:Rotary E-Club of Greater Sydney, District 9685
Endorsed by:Rotary Club of Kinshasa Kingabwa, District 9150
Other Partners:Université Protestante au Congo (UPC)

Other details

Project number:47 of 2015-16
Manager:Rtn Lucy Hobgood-Brown
(M) 0417 272 101
Email: lucy@claypartners.com
Deputy manager:Dr Vera Sistenich
(M) 0437 794 250
Email: sistenich.v@gmail.com

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